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Limerick Tipperary Dog Trainer maeve Humphreys

Where Dog Scouts Began

My name is Maeve Humphreys and I am owner of Dog Scouts. I help dogs and their humans to overcome behavioural struggles to live a stress free life together. I also offer education and guidance to new puppy owners so they can raise them into happy, healthy, robust adult dogs.

I was inspired to start my own business by my rescue collie Scout whom I adopted as a six month old pup. Scout came with some challenging struggles; she stole just about everything and refused to give it back, she pulled on lead, and growled, barked and lunged at other dogs.

I discovered games based training in 2017 when Scout was a year old. From this approach, Scout went from having a meltdown every time she saw another dog to becoming happy, confident and relaxed on outings. This gave both her and I the freedom we desired; being able to go for walks, adventures, having guests in the house and just generally hanging out together without having to worry about what might happen.

When I saw the difference that this fun training method made in Scout’s life, I became passionate about spreading games to other dog owners. In 2018 I completed Absolute Dog’s Pro Dog Trainer course and became a certified dog trainer.

It was important to me to promote effective, evidence based methods with animal welfare and the human-canine relationship at its heart. I teach dog owners how to build a lifestyle that benefits both them and their dog. I take a 3 pronged approach to this; through fun 3 minute games, canine enrichment (meeting the dog’s needs) and by managing the environment appropriately.

Over the years I have achieved multiple certifications in dog training and behaviour which you can see in more detail below. I believe in continuous education to keep up to date with best practices (both in terms of efficacy and ethics).

I teach dog owners how to gain maximum results through a simple, easy to follow, tailor made plan. I believe in empowering dog owners to tackle their dog’s struggles and to enjoy spending time together.

Education & CPD







Lemonade Conference

Fenzi Dog Sports Academy

Aggression in Dogs Conference

The Loose Leash Academy

Super Trainer Live

Absolute Dogs













Canine Behaviour & Training Technician

AniEd Ireland

Yes please! Co-operative Canine Care

Fenzi Dog Sports Academy

Predation Substitute Training

Grisha Stewart Dog Training Academy

Terry Hayward Husbandry & Handling

Grisha Stewart Dog Training Academy

Science & Studying Animals

AniEd Ireland


Puppy Lab

School of Canine Science

Safe Dog Handling

AniEd Ireland

Canine First Aid

AniEd Ireland


Absolute Dogs

Pro Dog Trainer

Absolute Dogs

Mini Courses, Webinars & Workshops

Chase, Gundog Games, Agility Rocks, Calm, 21 Days to Stress Free Walks, Naughty but Nice, Loose Leash Games, Scent, Absolute Puppy, Absolute Adolescence, Recall Rescue and more.

Absolute Dogs

It Was So Nice to Meet You: Calm Greetings for People and Dogs,

It's All Tricks

Fenzi Dog Sports Academy

Service Dog Training: How You Can Help Owner Trainers,

You're Not Alone: Working with Separation Issues in Dogs

International Association of Animal Behaviour Consultants

Kids & K9s

AniEd Ireland

Certified Professional Dog Trainer Logo
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